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It is because that there will be the morning sun to break through the clouds which can be expected, and on the other hand, it signifies that a new day and a new life are about to begin.

There are always warm and unexpected encounters in life.

This saying perfectly describes the encounter between JISIH Interior Design team and the homeowners of this work.

The homeowners of this work are a Hi-tech millionaires couple, and this is their second house. With the experience of living in the first house, as well as the years of experience and lifestyle management after working in the society, they have been very clear about their own living needs.

The challenge of this work was how to utilize the advantages of the site to maximize the efficiency and functionality of the work with the limited space.

Although the space of the site is limited, fortunately, the layout is square, and large beams and pillars are all located around the house, with only one main beam spanning the public area. Both the male and female homeowners pay close attention to the texture and atmosphere of the public space. Therefore, for the layout, we chose to remove the partition wall of the study room, so that the living room has enough space to be used, and the perspective of the space is wider, featuring functionality and storage.

Moreover, to minimize the presence of beams and pillars, the ceiling is deliberately designed with rounded curves, the size of the ceiling of the study room is increased, and the texture is enhanced with hand-brushed paint, transforming the original shortcomings of the site into its special features, a progressive and subtle level that is worth appreciating.

The master bedroom, the most important part of the private space, also features some ingenious ideas. Originally, there was a window on the bedside wall, which was a bit of an abrupt design, and if it was sealed off, it would affect the lighting in the room, so the designer boldly kept it and planned a sliding door that prevented light from entering the room.

In the morning, the sliding door can be opened to welcome the sunrise, while it can be closed to enjoy a good night's sleep at night.

The designer's bold and delicate ideas can be found everywhere in this work. Also, the JISIH Interior Design's signature linear lights coordinate and integrate with the rounded shapes, transforming the original shortcomings into special features of the work, which not only brings the whole house a comfortable visual experience but also gives the space a new life and future imagination through the design.

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