藏蘊 Charm
而「蘊 藏Charm」這件作品,顧名思義為「深藏的底蘊」,及俬設計則以優雅視角出發,勾勒出現代人所嚮往的俐落卻不失浪漫精神的生活樣貌。同時,也帶領居者探討生活的本質,其實在功能與實用之外,更需富足心靈並追求品味。
"I don't believe in art. I believe in artists." - Marcel Duchamp.
The appearances of art and design are both from the thinking and souls that the artists and designers breathe into. When the Postmodernism style is in vogue & it's a new trend that people cherish the good old times of nostalgic life, the designer further uses the thoughts and methods of new era and makes the human touch become part of the interior design styles to build a new mix-and-match style for this era.
What this project "Charm" means is the "hidden culture", just as its name implies. JI SIH Interior Design uses the inspiration of elegant style to create the simple and tidy style that modern people dream of, as well as a new life look of Romanticism. At the same time, JI SIH leads the house owner to discuss the essence of life, which focuses not just on the functions and practicality of the house but also enriches the owner's inner souls and fine taste.
The designer, similar to the artist who shows his/her creativity freely and unrestrainedly, appropriately mixes the original medium such as stones, metals, mirror-polished materials to develop a modern outline and simple vision for the classic house configuration. The entry-luxe atmosphere and elegant textures created for this project make this space itself be a fine art object, worthy to be collected.
Making a comprehensive view of the space, the use of natural stones is the main concept for the public areas, which highlights the stable tone of the entire space. Furthermore, you can feel how the designer meticulously creates the gorgeous atmosphere through the selections of soft furnishings such as the lightings, curtains, and velvet furnishings and more & the placement of contemporary installation art. What the designer builds for this space is to carefully mix the characteristics of diverse materials to specifically embody the compatible spirit of the Postmodernism style.
Walking slowly along the changing city scape, people all need a rest place that keeps their memories.
The changes of time have some impression of space but not make it eclipsed;
it's still full of bright expectation for the coming golden times.

藏蘊 Charm ∣ 64坪 ∣ 青埔